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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Rumen Expert, Microbe Namesake, Notches 2008 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award

    extensive (agricultural) production systems depends on a better understanding of the function of rumen ...

  2. Farm Science Review a Learning Opportunity for Students

    during the three-day show for rural and urban school systems and home-school environments. "The ...

  3. Experts to Debate Rising Food Prices at Farm Science Review

    food costs, distribution systems and hunger, we're bring in four leading economists from Ohio ...

  4. Corn Standing Tall Despite Severe Weather

    the good root systems and the moisture that we have right now." The story this year is localized ...

  5. Conference Covers Breadth of Conservation Tillage Topics

    and economics of specific systems. Other concurrent sessions being offered on Feb. 22 include soil ...

  6. Precision Agriculture Technology Leads FSR Field Demos

    systems-- technology that allows for more accurate field work and paves the way for other processes such as ...

  7. Options Limited to Rectify Compacted Fields This Spring

    only about 20 percent of Ohio's cornfields are in a no-till system, the state leads the Midwest in ...

  8. New Extension Tool Helping Farmers Save on Fertilizer

    of the system is that it doesn't matter what region of Ohio you are growing corn, the nitrogen ...

  9. Ohio Corn Yields Take a Tumble in 2008

    conditions produced fairly shallow root systems. There may have been a fair amount of soil moisture but the ...

  10. Take Steps to Reduce Compaction Before Spring Planting

    • Consider improving surface and subsurface drainage. A good drainage system helps the soil dry out faster, ...
