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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Learn Safety on the Farm at Farm Science Review

    in London, Ohio. With more on-farm storage systems being built comes an increased risk for grain ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-14

    system we use the term yield goal to make a recommendation. Yield goal is a term that describes the ... Nielsen, Bob and Peter Thomison. 2002. Delayed Planting & Hybrid Maturity Decisions. Purdue ... State Specialists: Pat Lipps & Anne Dorrance, Dennis Mills (Plant Pathology), Robert Mullen ...

  3. Biodegradation of Vegetable Oils Using Fixed-Film Systems

    To determine the feasibility of using sand bioreactors to treat vegetable oil waste, a laboratory study was evaluated. Column bioreactors were constructed of a mixture of lipophilic isolates and sand.  The combination was able to remove 80% of biomaterial ...

  4. High Fat Wastewater Remediation Using Layered Sand Filter Biofilm Systems

    To investigate the feasibility of sand bioreactors treating butterfat supplemented with detergent, three layer reactors and two layer reactors were compared. Both options showed great COD and BOD 5 removal. However, the two layer bioreactors became clogge ...

  5. PetPALS Dog Behaviors

    Dog Behaviors Dogs have a complex system for communicating. They communicate through ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-02 Nutritionally Enhanced Corn Hybrids- 1999 Evaluation ... rust fungus does make it to Ohio. I’ve gotten lots of questions about systemic movement and length of ... protection. Systemic activity is how much movement inside the plant these materials have. They are not all ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-07

    choice that systemic herbicides such as Canopy and glyphosate. In corn, most combinations that include ... make sure it’s working properly. •Run water through the spray system to make sure everything is working ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-23

    descriptive terms can sometimes be difficult to interpret, alternative systems have been proposed. A staging ... system widely used by agronomists and crop consultants divides kernel development into six stages, ...

  9. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 2000-2005

    analyst, he has had the vision and creativity to build an effective system of evaluating dairy cows which ...

  10. HACCP Overview for Line Employees

    is a system for managing a process, to prevent problems by controlling defects.  HACCP involves ...   Principle 6, Verification procedures evaluate how well your monitoring system is working.  Just remember ...
