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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2022 Ohio Maple Day to be Held on Dec. 10

    toolbox. Presentations will address red maple research, reverse osmosis, marketing, and maple insects. SAF ...

  2. Agriculture and Natural Resources: Meeting the Challenge

    website to include a toolbox of resources related to COVID-19. Those can be reached at:  ...

  3. Thoughts from the Director

    toolbox. I believe it is important to take risks, to try new things when you may not be sure of the ...

  4. A better tool in the toolbox: New project will bolster Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Grand Lake St. Marys has lost an estimated $60-80 million in tourism due to harmful algae blooms. And in 2011, algae blooms covered 990 square miles of Lake Erie's surface area, the largest in the lake's history. Phosphorus is the pollutant most ...